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Rio Tinto
Rio Tinto is a uranium enterprise selling uranium oxide from the Ranger mine in the Northern Territory and uranium concentrates sourced outside Australia and The Rossing MIne in Namibia, operated by Rossing Uranium Limited to nuclear energy utilities in Japan, South Korea, Europe and North America.
Rio Tinto manages and owns a 68.58 per cent stake in the mine. It is located 12km from the town of Arandis, which is 70km inland from the coastal town of Swakopmund in Namibia's Erongo Region. Walvis Bay, Namibia's only deep water harbour, is 30km south of Swakopmund.
Uranium was discovered in the Namib Desert in 1928, but it was not until intensive exploration in the late 1950s that much interest was shown in the area. Rio Tinto secured the rights to the Rossing deposits in 1966. Ten years later, Rossing Uranium, Namibia's first commercial uranium mine, began operations.
Rossing produces and exports uranium oxide from Namibia to nuclear power utilities around the world.
Uranium, a metallic element, is one of the most powerful natural sources of energy. Its chemical properties can be harnessed to produce electricity without the generation of carbon dioxide.
Nuclear energy is used to generate around 13 per cent of the world's electricity, with almost no greenhouse gas emissions.
Ranger Uranium Mine, at
Jabiru, NT.
Plant and Mill Area
View of ERA's Ranger Uranium
near Jabiru, NT. Plant
Area(left), Main Pit(left)
Tailings Area(rear)